
We Don’t Need Another Marketing Book

We Don’t Need Another Marketing Book

Having over 10 years in the marketing space as creatives, Gabriella Martay and Grace E. Robinson decided it was time to write down what they knew in a book format. Why? Well, they were seeing a lot of creatives struggle to sustain themselves with their craft and to reach people with their art forms. They knew they couldn’t stay silent any longer. Therefore, We Don’t Need Another Marketing Book came to be. Here are some of our favorite highlights of our journey of producing and releasing our first book as Helps2: 


#1 in Music Business Releases

Within hours of our team having released our first book, it was #1 in music business releases on Amazon.

Every element produced in-house

From the book cover to the content to the images— we created it all. 

For creatives by creatives

We’ve yet to see a guide by creatives for creatives on how to reach people effectively with their craft. We’re excited to make this available.

Roaring response on social media

We got to see creatives from all over the world sharing personal testimonies and quotes from our book.

We wrote the book. We designed the book. We produced the book. Every element was done in-house with the Helps2 team. Here’s exactly what our team did to make this book a reality:

  • Content Creation & Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Paid Advertising
  • Collaboration

3 Years of Work

  • 4 Specialists
  • 1 Award
  • 7 Drafts Edited
Logo for Helps2

Not sure where to start when it comes to creating your brand or reaching the people you know you’re meant to reach? Click here to get in touch with us!