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BaMatooke Made

BaMatooke Made

Photoshoot in Seattle

The first thing the Helps2 team did to help Bamatooke Made was to give their product line a proper photoshoot. The photos went on to be used on their website and in their displays.

Logo Design

How do you begin to stand out as a social enterprise? You have a logo created so that people know you’re serious about what you’re doing. That’s exactly what we did for Bamatooke Made.


Rollout of limited edition greeting card

Not only did we help them with their marketing, we initiated a partnership opportunity between them and one of our creatives. Bamatooke Made created a card that would be the foundation of a major album release for the artist Martay. The card was called “Before the Bouquet” and is still featured in their collection today.


The following is a breakdown of skills we used to serve Bamatooke Made and to help them grow into the social enterprise they are today.



Product Development


12 Days of Work

1 Specialists

3 Awards

2 Prototypes Done


The relationship between Helps2 and BaMatooke Made, a social enterprise born out of Parents Empowering Children and Youth Uganda, started at the launch of BaMatooke’s business by their need of a logo to lead its brand. This process needed to be done quickly for this particular client, within three weeks. Being that natural materials, mainly dried leaves, are the source of their products, a leaf was chosen to represent them from six original options we presented to them within a week. Later we staged a photo shoot to represent their products.

Logo for Helps2

Not sure where to start when it comes to creating your brand or reaching the people you know you’re meant to reach? Click here to get in touch with us!