Feeling discouraged? This is for you.
If you have ever felt discouraged as a creative or entrepreneur, we want you to know that you’re not alone.
Discouragement comes at times to everyone who is working hard towards a goal. That means, discouragement is actually a sign that you really care about your dreams that you’re pursuing.
Think about it… If you didn’t really have any strong feelings towards what it is you’re working on, you wouldn’t care enough to feel discouraged when things aren’t going the way you want them to.
That’s why we want to encourage you to see discouragement as a GUIDEPOST rather than an obstacle… Rather than trying to avoid it, let it be a marker in your life that leads you one step closer to your dream.
If you’re looking for more words of encouragement, we recently talked about overcoming discouragement on our podcast, The Creatives’ Conversation. Gabriella Martay is a musician, recently published author, and entrepreneur – and she’s no stranger to feelings of doubt and discouragement… So she’s opening up about the lies she wrestles with regarding her craft and her identity as an artist, and telling you how she combats them. You’re gonna want to pull out your journal and take notes on this one! Click the video above to watch now.
Think about it… If you didn’t really have any strong feelings towards what it is you’re working on, you wouldn’t care enough to feel discouraged when things aren’t going the way you want them to.
We hope you feel encouraged to continue pursuing your craft!
Until Next Time,
The Helps2 Team